„We will protect everything
what do you care about."
„Our company honors
professionalism, seriousness, discretion
and personal approach."
„A wide range of services
for your safety."

Law enforcement and intervention service

Pořádková a zásahová služba s.r.o. is a medium-sized company operating in the commercial security market. He honors professionalism, seriousness, discretion and personal approach.

We specialize mainly in providing emergency services on electronically guarded objects and maintaining public order. We also provide physical and personal security, mechanical and electronic security of buildings (EZS, EPS), camera systems, connection to centralized protection counters (PCO), see our services.

We have our own intervention groups operating in the area of the capital city of Prague, the Central Bohemian, North Bohemian and South Bohemian regions.

Company history

Pořádková a zásahová služba s.r.o. continues the experience of the intervention service, which was created in 2004, then still part of SV-Agency a.s., subsequently Jablotron Security a.s.

We currently operate independently as the general partner of the KRUH project, which is under the auspices of Zásahová služba s.r.o. Our services are already used by 36,000 clients.

Approximate position of vehicles (Czech Republic)

S09, Beroun, Husova U08, Roudnice nad Labem, Terezínská U05, Lovosice, Prosmycká U03, Cítoliby, Postoloprtská U20, Žatec, Otakara Březiny U15, Chomutov, Březenecká U04, Most, Jana Kubelíka U11, Duchcov, Osecká U01, Teplice, Nádražní náměstí U14, Ústí nad Labem, Masarykova S29, Stará Boleslav, Boleslavská A07, Zdiby, Pražská S28, Velké Přílepy, Májová A06, Praha 6, Na Beránce A14, Praha 6, Milady Horákové A11, Praha 8, Prosecká A15, Praha 8, Prvního pluku A01, Praha 1, Zlatnická A13, Praha 5, Nádražní A05, Praha 5, Naskové A10, Praha 5, Na Radosti A02, Praha 10, Perucká A12, Praha 4, Cílkova A04, Praha 4, Družstevní Ochoz A03, Praha 3, K Červenému dvoru A09, Praha 10, U Záběhlického zámku A16, Praha 10, Štěrboholská A08, Praha 9 Horní Počernice, Jiřího ze Vtelna S23, Úvaly, Konekta A27, Praha 22 Uhříněves, Františka Diviše S22, Louňovice, Kutnohorská S35, Říčany-Jažlovice, Zděbradská S21, Jesenice, V Úvoze S25, Lety, Polní S24, Želivec, Štiřínská S26, Mníšek pod Brdy, Pražská S34, Sázava, Poznaňská S08, Benešov, Jiráskova C02, České Budějovice, Plzeňská C01, České Budějovice, Jana Čarka C09, České Budějovice, Nemanická Náhled vozu